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A Degree represents either a major, minor, or concentration received from The University of Texas at Dallas.


_idObjectIdThe MongoDB database id for the Degree object.ObjectId("61ebbb126e3659537e8a14d6")
subtypeDegreeSubtypeThe subtype of degree that this object represents.Major (Other options include Minor, Concentration, Prescribed Double Major, Certificate, Track)
schoolStringThe school that the degree belongs to.School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
nameStringThe full name of the degree.Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
yearStringThe academic year to which this degree corresponds to.2021-2022
abbreviationStringThe abbreviation of the degree.B.S. in Computer Science
minimum_credit_hoursNumberThe minimum credit hours required for the degree, which can be found on the UTD catalog.124
catalog_uriStringA link to the listing of the degree and its requirements in the UTD catalog.
requirementsCollectionRequirementA collection of requirements required to satisfy the degree.N/A